OK, it took me longer than I thought it would
to sort through signatures and get the petition ready to be sent in.
We had intended the petition's ending date to be the 1st, but it took me
till the 6th to have to ready so we continued to collect signatures until
then. It's officially over now, and I've sent it in (snail mail) to FUNimation...they
should recieve it on Monday or Tuesday. We'll see what happens!
Our total valid signature count was 4639. About
340 were fake, inappropriate, or duplicate and were removed before the
signatures were printed out. We had about 150 pages of signatures! I sent
them in a 3-ring binder along with the petition text and a letter of introduction.
We also included our "voice actor attachment" which was a suggested cast
list involving the actors from Ocean group. We decided not to include the
music attachment however.
Thanks to 3 other members of our petition "team"
who helped out: William Ben Newton, Ben Leach, and Charles Parker. Also
thanks to all the sites who linked to us, and of course to everyone who
signed the petition. I'm glad there are so many great fans out there.
That's about it...also I trimmed down the site
a bit. Now that the petition is over, we don't need so many sections. Just
this and the main page.
Happy New Year! The petition officially "ended"
yesterday, but I won't get it ready to send in until Friday probably. You
can still sign it until then. Thanks to everyone!!
Also, I added one more site to our list.
Our host, PetitionOnline, is currently having
some trouble with vandals. If you try to sign the petition and come up
with an "Access Blocked" screen,
1. Curse the stupid vandals
2. Send me an email with your name, age, and
location and I'll sign for you when I can get through.
Added links to a couple clubs that were nice
enough to help us spread the word. Be sure to check them out. That's about
Added a banner and took out the poll--I think
we got enough info. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Wow...a whole month of...nothing happening.
We still don't know what's up with the Oean Group, so at least for now,
the VA part stays in the petition. Also, we're starting something
new--a letter writing campaign. This is not a part of the petition;
it's a seperate endeavor. Please take the time to check out the campaign
and send a letter in to FUNimation. It'll only cost you 33 cents
for a stamp...what excuse do you have? If you write your own letter, please
remember to be polite. And if you're incredibly busy, you can use our form
letter...what could be easier?
Also I'm trying to make a banner for this site.
It should be done soon.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Is the Ocean Group back? Are they not? Is
it a miracle or a joke? What's going on? If they're really back for episode
recording, then one of the aims of our petition has been achieved, and
we'll have to change the petition to reflect that. Let's hope this
was more than just a rumour...
Also I added 2 new links...I can't get banners
to work though for some reason. I also got rid of the "summary of
the petition" section, since I don't think it's really necessary and might
just confuse people. It was my idea originally so I figured no one will
care if it's gone...if I was wrong just tell me.
Our webpage moved here to tripod, and I'll be updating it from now
on. Our old URL still works but links here. Um...that's about
it. We're working on a letter writing campaign. Also sooner or later we're
going to send a letter in to FUNi telling them about our petition...something
we should have done a while ago, but we weren't quite ready. Also I took
away the Planet Namek link since they aren't officially linked to us...and
replaced it with another. If anyone has a site linking to us and we don't
mention it, just email me.
--SSJ Leia
The petition has been a very controversial
lately. Some argue that it asks for too much, some say its just what
we need. Because we want to represent the true intent of the fans,
I have just put up three polls. Each poll
asks whether or not you think the petition is asking for too much, what
you want to see happen to the dub the most, and whether or not you think
they have improved. Please vote in them, as you will help us represent
the fan in a much truer sense, and if need be, we can modify the petition
to accomodate just such a thing. We need your input! Vote in the
PS, I'll be away from the 21-31, so please
dont email me during that time.
Well, well well! Chris Sabat, voice actor,
and voice director at FUNimation has read our petition! We have been
assured that Chris is trying to pull some strings up at ol' FUNi and help
make our petition a reality! Thanks Chris! Anything you can do, that
will help will be appreciated by all of us. Thanks so much for your
effort, your tolerance, and your willingness to help.
And thanks to all the people out there who
helped get our voices heard. You just helped out in a very big way,
and on behalf of all of us, we thank you.
Well, the big PN finally mentioned us in an update. We realize
that we are stirring up quite a bit of controversy on the whole redubbing
issue. Well, did you know that any redubbing comes from Pioneer?
Pioneer owns the release rights to the first two seasons, and they have
told us that any redubbing, or subtitling of these episodes will be from
them. This is a tough issue to tackle, and your feedback will be
taken into consideration. Keep in mind that I am not the sole writer
of the petition, so, if you would like to talk to the other writers about
your feelings about a redub, please visit our message board at http://disc.server.com/Indices/113579.html.
Please be mature. You'll be taken more seriously.
Added to the Why Sign? page, and added a
few more links. Folks, if you want to link to this site, please
tell me! I can't magically link to you, if you dont e-mail
me first. Also, I'm very strict with linking. I dont promote
page piracy, so If I didnt link to you, its either because you never e-mailed
me, or you have something that another site has, be it images, layout,
or information. If you want to be linked, then take the stolen stuff
Just a tiny update. I fixed some minor fonts on the site, so its just
a bit more organized. I also added a credit to another writer of
the petition who was MIA for a while, and added our contact addresses to
them. Out.
Not much today, just added a link to Gotenks
Archives, which was kind enough to link to me. Also fixed
the link to our host, Petition
Online. Um...thats about it. (This website stuff isnt really that hard!)
Although this site was first put up June 22, its hasn't really been
"born" until a few days ago, July 14. Up until that point, we only
had roughly 120 sigs. Now, the number's quadrupled in a matter of
days!! (I guess linking with Greg Werner did the trick!) Thanks for all
the support guys!